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Robert Higley - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Robert Higley
Nacido enTennessee
59 years
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Estelle Higley

There are many memories. Bobby was so many things . I will never forget his laugh.

 The days of his recovery from the first heart operation. Lee said I was spoiling him. Maybe I was >We need to be spoiled sometimes.

The last time I saw Bobby was at the casino in Louisiana. It was a good day ,I believe a healing day. I hope it was.

 it is  sad to remember and think that Bobby will not be with us . I will remember all that is good !Happy memories new and old for always.

Blair Bagala
Mr. Robert (or dude as I used to call him) was my best friend at work.  I will miss our great debates over 70's and 80's basketball icons.  He was a wonderful man and always brought a smile to my face.  I'll miss you "dude", love ya man.
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